Your baby is 2 months old, an amazing milestone for you both. You are slowly emerging out of the newborn haze of the last few months, and your baby is no longer a bundled up newborn. They're now opening their eyes, stretching their legs, and breaking out into the cutest littlebaby smiles.
While 2 months is a very exciting time developmentally, it’s not without challenges. Your baby still may have some colic now, and some fussy evenings. Not only that, but they aren’t sleeping through the night yet. It’s normal if you are still feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, even as you marvel at the amazing ways your baby has grown and changed.
Let’s take a look at all your 2-month-old's milestones, as well as what to know about everything from feeding to sleep to health and safety.
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At This Age
- Development: Your baby is generally more communicative now; they may be starting to smile when they see you and will be starting to “coo.”
- Sleep: Your baby is not sleeping through the night yet, but may be sleeping longer stretches at night.
- Food: Your baby still needs to eat frequently and according to their cues, but you may be able to create a more structured feeding routine with them now.
An Overview of Your Baby's 2-Month-Old Development
At 2 months, your baby is much more social than they were at birth, saysMelitza J Cobham-Browne, MD, medical director of pediatrics at UCI Health Family Health Centers. “Your 2-month-old baby will become more interactive and will smile to the sound of your voice,” she notes.
That’s right—your baby likely has had their first social smile by now! More and more, they will smile responsively. You might notice them smile when they see your face, when they see you make a funny sound, or when you read or sing to them.They may start turning their head to different people, depending on who is speaking.
But your baby isn’t just communicating with their delightful smiles. They are also more “talkative” than ever. You may notice your baby cooing, gurgling, and just generally experimenting with their vocal cords.
“The most prominent development at this age is vocalization,” saysRoya Samuels, MD, a pediatrician in the division of general pediatrics atCohen Children’s Medical Center.“At 2 months, you will notice your infant cooing with soft vowel sounds.”
It’s not just cooing and vowel sounds that your baby communicates with. They communicate bycrying and fussingtoo. The silver lining here, though, is that you are likely getting better at distinguishing between their different cries and complaints, and they are more able to vary these to be better understood.
Your Baby's Growth at 2 Months
Your baby is starting to grow very rapidly! At 2 months, they are growing by about two pounds and 1 ½-2 inches in length per month.Their face is probably looking a little rounder, and their arms and legs may be starting to have some rolls.
Of course, all babies are different, and there is a wide range of normal. Some are leaner, some are more “roly-poly.” As long as your baby is growing according to their own curve, meeting their milestones, and is healthy, they are totally on track.
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2-Month Old Physical and Cognitive Milestones
You are probably noticing that your baby is getting stronger each day. They should be able to lift their head 45 degrees when you place them on their tummy, says Dr. Cobham-Browne.Your baby will start to move their head from side to side and look around from this position as well. They may also be starting to lift their arms up, like a little baby airplane.
To help practice these skills, and encourage healthy movement, Dr. Cobham-Browne encourages parents to practice “tummy time” several times a day. “I strongly encourage ‘tummy time’ for five to 10 minutes, two to three times a day,” she says. “Always remain at your baby’s side when doing ‘tummy time.’”
Something else you may notice is that your baby’seyesightis getting sharper. They are better able to focus on nearby objects and people and are starting to see colors more clearly, especially bright colors. They also enjoy looking at patterns and shapes.
“Your baby will be able to focus on your face and on close objects,” Dr. Cobham-Browne describes. “They can also follow you with their eyes if you move.”
Dr. Cobham-Browne warns that while your baby's eyes still “wander” to some extent at this age, they should be focusing more and more by now. “If you are noticing ‘wandering eyes’ after 3 months you should let your healthcare provider know for further evaluation,” she recommends.
Additional 2-Month-Old Behaviors
Other milestones you may notice at 2 months include:
- Many of your baby’s newborn reflexes have disappeared by now
- Your baby’s movements are less jerky and more deliberate
- Your baby more purposefully brings their hands to their mouth
- Your baby starts to learn to self-soothe by sucking on their hands or fingers
- Your baby will begin to swipe at objects and attempt to hold onto small objects
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2-Month Old Feeding Milestones
If you are breastfeeding, you should still expect to be feeding your baby quite frequently. At 2 months, breastfed babies tend to nurse at least eight times in a 24 hour period, often more. If you are lucky, your baby is sleeping somewhat longer stretches at night, but babies this age still need to be fed when they wake up at night.
Still, your breastfeeding schedule should be a little less random by now, and while you shouldn’t set a strict feeding schedule for your baby at this age, you might be able to come up with a feeding routine that is somewhat more predictable.
Gina Posner, MD, a pediatrician atMemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Centerin Fountain Valley, CA, recommends continuing to breastfeed on-demand at this age, but adds you can be a little more structured now. “Some people do like setting up a regular schedule, but be prepared to deviate from it because they do sometimes want to eat more or less frequently than you had planned,” she suggests.
Formula-fed babies will be able to space out their feedings more than breastfed babies at this age. If you are formula feeding, you can feed your baby every four hours or so, though you can feed them more frequently if they are hungry. Formula-fed babies will take in about five or six ounces a feeding at this age.Again, you should go by your baby’s cues, and feed them more or less depending on what they seem to need.
Dr. Cobham-Browne warns against the practice of “bottle propping,” which is where you use an object such as a foldedreceiving blanketto prop your baby’s bottle up for “hands-free” feeding. “I strongly discourage propping the bottle on a pillow and lying baby flat on the bed,” says Dr. Cobham-Browne. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) explains that this practice can lead to choking as well as an increased risk of ear infections.
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2-Month-Old Sleep Milestones
Sleep—or lack thereof—is probably at the top of your mind as the parent of a 2-month-old. There are some babies this age who seem to sleep like angels, only waking once or twice a night, and drifting soundly back to sleep each time.
Other babies wake much more often at this age, sometimesmanytimes per night. There is a wide range of normal when it comes to babysleep patternsat this age, and you are doing nothing wrong if your baby is still waking very frequently.
Your baby is still likely sleeping about 14-17 hours a day now, with more of their sleep happening at night, and less of it during the day.By now, your baby is taking several naps per day, as many as three or four.Gradually, they will settle into a routine of about three naps per day, and then two naps per day in a couple more months down the road.
At this age, you don’t have to wake your baby if they are sleeping soundly, says Dr. Posner. “There is no need to wake the baby to feed at night as long as they are demonstrating healthy weight gain,” she assures.
2-Month-Old Routine, Activities, and Schedule
Your baby is starting to sleep less during the day, so you will probably be looking for activities to fill in those moments when they are awake and alert.Why not hone in on the skills your baby is currently working on, and pick activities that excite their newly emerging interests?
Since your baby is reacting more to the sights and sounds around them, you might consider taking them on more walks outside or even walks through a place like a park or a zoo. Strap them in ababy carrierorstrollerand go on your way. Your baby may not know exactly what they are seeing, but they will appreciate the bright colors and interesting sounds.
Another thing to do with your baby is tostart reading to them. Choose books with bright colors and pages that make crinkly sounds.You can modulate the tones your voice makes, and be as silly as you want. Your baby will love this!
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2-Month-Old Health Milestones
It’s time for your baby’s 2-month-old visit to a pediatrician or health care provider.This is a very exciting moment for you and your baby. At this visit, the provider will discuss your baby’s growth, development, and examine them to make sure they are healthy. You should come to the visit armed with any questions you may have. Don’t be afraid to share whatever is on your mind—this health care provider is there to help you be the best parent you can be.
Your baby will get several vaccines during this visit, including rotavirus vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine (Hib), pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and polio vaccine (IPV). Your baby will also likely get a second dose of hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) if they haven’t already.
It’s common for parents to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number ofvaccinestheir baby receives at this visit, but you can trust that this regiment has been studied carefully, and millions of babies have received these vaccines without issues. Many of these vaccines are given in a combined form so that your baby won’t have to encounter quite so many needles at once.
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2-Month-Old Care Basics
As your baby starts to sleep more during the night, and starts to have more of a routine around naps, you may have some baby sleep care questions. For example, you may have questions about how and when to use a pacifier, and how much longer it’s okay to swaddle your baby. Let’s take a look at these two concerns.
Not all babies likepacifiers, but if your baby does, it can be a useful tool when it comes to sleep. In fact, the Academy of American Pediatrics (AAP) recommends pacifier use during the first few months of life to protect against SIDS.
However, the AAP warns against using the pacifiers to replace your baby’s feedings and explains that you should never tie the pacifier to your baby’s crib or have them wear it around their neck. As for cleaning, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s important that a young baby’s pacifiers are kept sterile since they are prone to serious illnesses and infections.
The AAP considers swaddling a safe practice if done correctly. Importantly, you shouldn’t make the swaddle too tight around your baby’s hips, as this can lead to hip dysplasia.
Unfortunately, you are nearing the end of when swaddling is an appropriate practice for babies. The AAP says that once babies are able to roll onto their stomachs, you should stop swaddling your baby.
Safety Considerations for 2-Month-Old Babies
There are a lot of health and safety factors to keep in mind, especially as your baby gets older. But one thing that parents may not be aware of is the importance of preventing hot car deaths. After car crashes, hot car deaths are the leading cause of vehicular deaths among kids aged 15 and younger.
Babies and young children are very susceptible to temperature fluctuations, so it’s vital that you keep the car at a comfortable temperature. Heatstroke can occur at temperatures as low as 57 degrees F. It’s important to keep air circulating, use the air conditioner when appropriate, and never leave your child alone in the car.
Mosthot cardeaths occur accidentally when a parent forgets to take their child out of the car. This is more likely to happen if your routine changes or if someone else is taking your child to daycare or on errands. It can be helpful to keep your bag or phone in the backseat so that you always remember to be aware of what is sitting in the back seat before exiting your car.
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