2-month-old baby: Development, milestones & growth (2025)

Your 2-month-old is growing fast and may hit a few important developmental milestones, such as sleeping in longer stretches, settling into a more predictable feeding routine and – an exciting one – smiling!

Your 2-month-old baby has already grown by leaps and bounds, but is still very much a newborn. Here's what you can expect this month.

Your baby's development

At 2 months, your baby may be more engaged with the world and spend less time crying. Your baby isn't ready for an established schedule just yet. However, they may have settled into a more regular feeding and sleeping pattern.

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If your baby isn't there just yet, don't worry. The newborn stage means all bets are off, and you're still very much in survival mode. Your baby may be sleeping and eating at all hours of the day and night, and that's still to be expected at this stage. Your goal is to get sleep when you can, ensure your baby is growing appropriately, and continue to learn your baby's eating and sleeping cues so you can help encourage a more consistent baby schedule in the future.

2-month-old milestones

Here are some of the milestones your 2-month-old may reach:

  • More coordinated eye movements. This month, your baby's eye movements become more focused and targeted. For instance, your baby may be able to track an object that moves in front of them, and they might be able to focus more on their favorite view of all – your face!
  • Increased head and neck control. Your baby still needs head and neck support, but they're gaining strength every day. The more tummy time you offer, the better muscle control your baby will have. (Tummy time also helps your baby avoid getting a flat spot on the back of their head.) Tummy time can be done upright too: If you use a baby wrap or baby carrier, it can help strengthen the important neck, back and core muscles your baby needs to develop.
  • Mini-pushups. Thanks to all that tummy time, your baby may even start to push up off the floor while lying on their stomach. At this age, some babies can raise their heads and chests by supporting themselves on their forearms, but others won't do this until they are closer to 4 months old.
  • Hearing. Your baby can definitely recognize your voice and loves to listen to you talk, sing (whether you can do it well or not!), or read. They may even turn their head to try to look at you when they hear your voice. Even though they can't understand your words yet, your baby is learning to recognize familiar voices. You'll set the foundation for language learning by talking to your baby – so narrate your day and your activities together.
  • Cooing. Don't expect your baby to start saying words just yet, but by the end of two months, your little one may start to imitate your mouth shapes and sounds with some pretty adorable cooing or similar sounds. Expect to be transfixed by those first sweet little noises.
  • Smiling. Prepare for your heart to melt when your baby begins to smile at you sometime this month. There are lots of gummy grins coming your way – consider them rewards for all of your hard work so far.
  • Hands to mouth. Around now, your baby may learn to bring their hands to their mouth. And they may start to suck on their fist in a first attempt at self-soothing. (That's good news for you!)

Milestones for a 2-month-old vary a lot, especially if your baby was born early. It doesn't mean that something's wrong if your baby hasn't met a certain milestone yet, especially at this age. But be sure to attend your baby's well-child visits and tell your baby's care provider if you have any concerns about developmental delay.

2-month-old weight and length

By 2 months old, your baby will have gained about 4 to 5 pounds since birth and 1 to 2 inches in length. If you're wondering how much a 2-month-old should weigh or how big a 2-month-old baby is, you can refer to these averages:

Baby boys

Average weight for a 2-month-old: 12 pounds 6 ounces

Average length for a 2-month-old: 22 3/4 inches

Baby girls

Average weight for a 2-month-old: 11 pounds 4 ounces

Average length for a 2-month-old: 22 1/2 inches

Keep in mind there's a lot of variations; every baby is different, and it's important that your little one is following their own growth curve. For instance, a baby who was 5 pounds at birth will have a different growth trajectory than one who weighed 10 pounds.

The most important thing you can do to ensure weight gain is on track is to attend all your baby's doctor visits. At each visit, the doctor will check their weight, length, and head circumference.

2-month-old feeding

At 2 months old, your baby will still be eating around the clock. After all, they have a lot of growing to do!

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So how much does a 2-month-old baby eat? In general, a breastfed baby will continue to eat about every 3 to 4 hours, although your little one may be able to go longer stretches between feedings, especially if they're sleeping for longer periods of time.

Keep feeding your baby on demand. That means watching for hunger cues and feeding your baby whenever they show signs of hunger, such as rooting for your breast, smacking their lips, or sucking on their hands. You can expect to breastfeed anywhere between six and 10 times per 24-hour period, although that can vary from infant to infant and even day to day.

A formula-fed 2-month-old will drink about 4 to 5 ounces of formula every three to four hours. If your baby is drinking breast milk from a bottle or alternating bottles of formula and breast milk, the amount should remain the same.

If you have questions about whether you should wake your baby to feed, it's a good idea to talk to your baby's doctor, because it really depends on your individual baby's growth and any feeding challenges you may be facing. If your baby is struggling to gain weight, or needs extra nutrition for any medical reason, waking to feed may be crucial. For other babies, it may be okay to sleep through a feeding. At 2 months old, many babies can sleep for longer stretches – about 4 to 6 hours – and don't need to be woken up to eat.

2-month-old sleep

Chances are your baby will be sleeping more at 2 months old, although your little one probably won't be sleeping through the night just yet. (However, some babies will, so if you're one of the lucky ones, enjoy it!)

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But just how much should a 2-month-old sleep? A lot. Your baby is still in the newborn sleep stage and needs 14 to 17 hours of sleep every 24 hours.

Here are some important things to know about sleep for a 2-month-old:

  • Your baby may start settling into more of a regular sleep-wake pattern. That means that they may have more predictable naps, and 1 to 2 hours of awake time between naps.
  • Your baby's sleep might look like this: Two morning naps, two afternoon naps, an evening nap, and broken-up sleep at night. For more details, check out these sample baby schedules.
  • Your 2-month-old isn't ready to try sleep training – you'll need to wait until your baby is 4 to 6 months old. Your baby hasn't developed the ability to regulate sleep just yet, and still needs regular feedings throughout the night.

Though it's too early for sleep training, you can encourage your baby to be a good sleeper:

  • Keep naps short – about one to two hours.
  • Add as much predictability as possible to your baby's day, with feedings, outings, and bedtime on a fairly consistent schedule.
  • Keep your baby's days bright and busy and nights dark and quiet so they'll figure out when it's time to sleep.
  • Put your baby to bed when they're sleepy but awake, giving them a chance to fall asleep on their own.
  • Start a simple bedtime routine for your baby with things like a bath, a feeding, and a lullaby.

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Your baby's health

At 2 months, your baby is due for their next well-baby checkup. Regular doctor visits are important to ensure that your little one is growing well. The 2-month visit is also a chance for you to discuss any concerns you have and address any challenges in your baby's sleep or feeding. Here's what you can expect at the 2-month checkup:

  • A medical assistant or nurse will take all of your baby's physical measurements, including weight, length, and head circumference. Those measurements will be plotted on a growth chart to track your baby's growth over time. Remember, no two babies develop the same way.
  • Your baby's doctor will address any concerns about sleeping, feeding, and behavior, and ask about your baby's sleeping and eating habits.
  • The doctor will do a complete physical and check your baby from head to toe, including the diaper area.
  • The doctor will ensure that you're following recommended steps to keep your baby healthy, including giving vitamin D drops, encouraging tummy time, and following safe sleep practices.

Your baby will also be eligible for several vaccines at the 2-month visit. Be sure to ask any questions you have about the vaccines with your baby's doctor. It's normal to have questions, and a good doctor will help explain the safety and importance of vaccines for your little one. Here are the vaccines your 2-month-old may receive:

  • Pneumococcal vaccine: Prevents against pneumococcal infections, such as meningitis and pneumonia, which can occur in children younger than 5.
  • DTaP vaccine: A combo vaccination that prevents against three major infections: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). Whooping cough in particular is very contagious, and can be deadly to babies.
  • Hib vaccine: Protects against Haemophilus influenza type b, a leading cause of serious conditions, including meningitis, pneumonia, and epiglottitis (severe throat swelling).
  • Polio vaccine: Thanks to this vaccine, polio may be very close to being eradicated worldwide.
  • Rotavirus vaccine: Prevents the leading cause of diarrhea among babies and children. This one is given by mouth, so no pokes needed.
  • Hepatitis B vaccine: Protects against Hepatitis B, which can cause liver disease and death. It's given in a series of three separate shots, so your baby may have already had the first one.
  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) shot: Protects against RSV, a common respiratory virus that can lead to more serious infections.

Your 2-month-old baby: Week by week

Want to learn more about what's happening with your baby this month? Get more details on your 2-month-old's weekly development:

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  • 8 week old baby
  • 9 week old baby
  • 10 week old baby
  • 11 week old baby

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2-month-old baby: Development, milestones & growth (1)


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2-month-old baby: Development, milestones & growth (2025)


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